Meeting Information
Board of Directors meetings are held at 5:00 pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Far Hills Utility District Office Building located at 10320 Cude Cemetery Road, Willis, Texas 77318.
Texas law requires governmental bodies to give advance notice of their meetings. Governmental bodies must post notice of their meeting in a place readily accessible to the general public for at least seventy‐two hours before the scheduled time of the meeting per the Texas Government Code Section 561.043(a). These notices are posted at the Far Hills Utility District Bulletin Board (located at the Far Hills Utility District Office Building) and on the District website. Meeting minutes are posted after they are approved by the Board.
Meeting Documents
Quick Links
Far Hills Utility District
Contact Information:
Radcliffe-Adams-Barner PLLC
District’s Attorney
American Tower 2929 Allen Parkway, Suite 3450
Houston, TX 77019-7120
Phone: (713) 237-1221
Physical Location:

The District currently comprises approximately 435.9007 acres. The District is located approximately 50 miles north of Houston’s central business district, and approximately 12 miles northwest of the City of Conroe. Accessible from Interstate highway 45 west along State Highway 830 and south along Cude Cemetery Road, the District lies entirely within the exclusive extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Conroe and is located within the Willis Independent School District.